Five Lessons I learned From Mom

That Have Also Helped Me Become a Better Writer

Photo by Ijaz Rafi on Unsplash

We’re celebrating Mother’s Day here in the United States today. Happy day to everyone who is or acts in the role of mother.

I wanted to share today, just a few things that I learned from my mom that has helped be become a better writer.

My mom had a tough start to life. My grandmother died right after giving birth to my uncle, my mother’s only brother (she had five older sisters). Sadly, my mother was only nine years old, so she was left without the love and guidance of a mother which was devastating because it affected my mother’s future. One of her sisters who was eighteen at the time raise her until my mom was about fifteen and old enough to get a job. Tough. Really tough, I can’t imagine. But she started working at that age and didn’t stop until she retired in her late 70s.

1. So, the first and most important lesson that I learned was to keep going when life gets tough. There are no excuses and there is no giving up. Horrible things happen to all of us because they just do, and we can’t know or explain why. But the only option we have is to look ahead and keep moving forward. The times that have been difficult and I’ve struggled as a writer, lost agents, been dropped by publishers, had bad print runs and book sales, I’ve told…

