Getting Books into Bookstores

If you are a writer who wants to publish independently without working with a traditional publisher then a key question that is possibly on your mind is once the book is published, how do you get it into bookstores.

I’ll share that when I began the self-publishing journey, I had no clue what I was doing. This is becoming a theme for me, right? I jumped into writing, I jumped into publishing and I did it blindly. I didn’t know what could or should be done and what shouldn’t. I learned along the way.

One lucky day, I attended the Maui Writer’s Conference with many of the top writers in the industry at the time. Terry McMillan, Christopher Vogler, John Saul, Carrie Fisher and so many others were there. It was amazing! I got to meet Princess Leia, how cool is that? But the most interesting and most valuable guy that I met there was an author by the name of Dan Poynter who gave a workshop and sold his book, The Self-Publishing Manual. This book was gold for me because it walked me though each step of moving from a finished manuscript to getting the book into bookstores, namely, distribution.

Distribution Is Absolutely Necessary

