How Many Ways Can You Choose to be Thankful

Choose to be Thankful Even About the “Bad Stuff”

Happy Thanksgiving, Medium friends!

Many of you may be busy cooking and preparing to spend time with family and friends today if you live in the U.S. Or you may be spending Thanksgiving on your own missing those you love.

Either way, I do hope you take a moment to think about what you are grateful for in your life. For many people last year was a tough year, and this year continues to be a challenge. If you are a writer, you may have wanted to start a novel or larger writing project, but you didn’t because you didn’t have the energy or motivation.

Being Thankful Even When You Think You Can’t

It’s easy to focus on the negative and the obstacles that stand in our way. It’s a lot more difficult to be grateful for those challenges and move forward anyway.

I’d like to encourage those of you who feel demoralized, tired, or who are unsure if writing is “getting you anywhere” to rethink everything connected to writing. What is your goal? Why are you writing? What are these challenges teaching you? And be grateful for the opportunity to learn and the change and move in a new direction if needed.

