How to Avoid Neck and Back Pain and Eye Strain

The Physical Pain of Writing

If you are a writer, a blogger, or you spend hours in front of your screen, you probably get up from your chair every day with some kind of ache or rubbing your eyes.

It’s not just the sitting and staring at a screen all day that’s tough but holding your arms up to the keyboard can be killer on your arms and upper back and even neck.

Stress on the Body

Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash

Many articles have been written about the dangers of sitting for too long and how it really does put strain on our body. Part of the problem is the lack of circulation in the legs. Sitting for hours, day after day can create blood clots.

Another problem is that we tend to have poor posture when we sit for too long. We slouch or lean back creating strain on our muscles. We also stress our intervertebral disks. Have you ever stood and bent over to make your spine stretch and pop? I know I have because my spine has been compressed for so many hours.

Helping our Body Out



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