The Birth of My New Romance Novel

Be part of my release celebration

At the end of last year, after releasing and promoting my novel, Let Us Begin, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write a new novel right away. Let Us Begin was a deeply emotional story heavily based on my family and the experience my parents had when they immigrated to America, got married, and struggled to achieve the American Dream.

After that book, my choices were:

a) take some time off and write nothing.

b) write another deep and impactful story based again on a true story

c) write something light and fun that I would enjoy as much as my readers

I was leaning toward option-a, to be honest. I was tired, and starting a new project wasn’t appealing.

But I began to do some research on an idea I had for option-b. I knew it would be a book that would take a year or more to write and that, again, it would be emotional and require all my energy. Sometimes, as writers, we know when a story will be impactful and when we are still absolutely not willing to write that story. I put that idea aside.

