The Mindset of Successful Writers
How to mentally prepare yourself to thrive as a writer
A mindset is simply the way we think about things. The word gets tossed around a lot, but all it really means is the attitude we bring to life and how we engage in activities as a result of that attitude.
Though it can be easy to get discouraged and develop a negative mindset because it’s challenging to write well and to get published, successful writers all seem to have a similar mindset that sets them apart.
Writers must have a mindset or attitude that produces success. Positive attitudes turn into habits, and good habits lead to success. The ten attitudes I’ve noticed that all successful authors have are the following:
1. They don’t give up
Successful writers are successful because they don’t give up when they face rejection. They have a mindset that eventually, if they keep working hard, they will finish their stories and get their books published (if that is their goal).
Many famous authors took years to get published. George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and 1984, both novels often mentioned, quoted, and performed in theaters (my daughter was in Animal Farm in high school) experienced numerous rejections from publishers.