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What to do While You Are Getting Rejected

What it takes to get your book published despite repeated rejections

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Writing a book is part one. Part two involves selling your book.

Part two is what I’d like to write about today.

Publishing was my dream as soon as I decided to write a novel. Why bother writing an entire book if I didn’t plan on selling it to a publisher? I’ve always been destination orientated. I have to set big goals and work to attain them.

I used to write stories, of course, just to see if I could, and one day, my husband asked me what I planned to do with all those stories. I didn’t have an answer, probably because I didn’t believe I could get them published back then. I didn’t think of myself as a real writer. Who was I to ever get noticed by a publisher? I thought of authors as gifted, brilliant people, which I was not.

When I admitted that it would be cool to try to publish them, but I didn’t know how, my husband gave me the gift of a publishing workshop. I learned during that three-hour class that publishing was a business. There were rules on how to contact publishers, and if I could produce a product that the publishers were interested in selling, they would buy my manuscript.

That’s when I started to write with the intention of getting published.



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