Writing Makes You Feel Amazing
And it’s good for your health
When we do what is good for us, when we behave in what we know is in our best interests, we feel good. When we eat healthy, exercise, and put in the writing time needed to reach our writing goals, we feel proud, satisfied, and happy.
So, why don’t we do what we should all the time?
Well, that’s a good question. It’s one that we probably ask ourselves all the time, right? You know the question: Why did I eat that ice cream? Why did I waste time watching that TV show instead of writing another chapter of my book?
Maybe it is because we allow daily tasks and other obligations to get in the way of cooking our own food, going to the gym, or writing our stories. And by the time we finish everything else, we’re too tired to get to work. That’s one possibility. But probably not the real one.
Today, I’m writing a short blog post to encourage you to write even when you are tired, not in the mood, feel unmotivated or uncreative, or don’t know what to write. Those reasons are not real, and you can move past them.
I want you to write anyway and ignore those feelings because when you do, you will feel so much better when you finish. And you will also realize that those excuses will fade and disappear if you ignore them and write…