Writing Memorable Scenes

To build an unforgettable novel

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Scenes are the fundamental building blocks used to construct memorable novels. By skillfully connecting scenes in succession, authors create a compelling narrative that unfolds through well-structured chapters and culminates in a satisfying, complete novel.

Each scene should be memorable to the reader as it moves the story forward. The reader should never wonder why a scene existed; instead, they should feel that pulling any scene out of the book would be impossible because it would ruin the story.

What makes a scene memorable?

Think of something memorable: a play you saw, a performance by a musical group, or a spectacular catch, throw, pass, tackle, or run by a football star. What makes it memorable? Did it make you cry? Was it surprising, unbelievable, or historic?

Most likely, the event was memorable to you because it evoked emotion, may have taken you by surprise, provided a twist, offered an insight, or change the course of the event.

We don’t forget what we feel

Emotion is the first element of an unforgettable scene. By skillfully eliciting the right emotions in the reader, a writer can create an environment where the reader can wholeheartedly engage…

